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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

NYPD clearing out homeless people from subways, and assuming people are homeless when they aren't apparently.

I have seen some seriously disturbing videos of the unnecessary and aggressive behavior by NYPD towards people falling asleep on the train and homeless people. According to the Hope Annual Street NYC survey there were 1,800 people living in the train station in 2013, a whole 800 up from 2009. Now the NYPD are cracking down and searching for these people, they have sent a few officers to search each car every time a train pulls into a station, and take all the homeless people either to a hospital or a shelter, sounds pretty nice doesn't it? But, looks like they've taken it too far, with either assuming this man is homeless or doing some ridiculous racial profiling.

Let's take a look at two police officers beating and arresting a man for sleeping on the train.

More on man being beaten and arrested on train by the NYPD

The crime was listed as nodding off during a commute from coming home from work. As seen, the man continuously yells "For what? I didn't do shit." The incident occurred at the 57th Street stop in Manhattan in a fairly empty car. As the man continues to cry for help, backup arrives and sees that the man is resisting. So, the immediate reaction is to start hitting this man over the head with a baton? What? Is that even legal? After more officers arrive, an officer grabs the resisting man in a clinch and manages to yank him onto the ground. A woman standing by begins to record the scene and eventually asks the officers for their badge numbers.  Rudely, one of the officers tries to whisk away the recording device from her, to which she yells "don't put your fucking hands on me."

Please stand by for the closing doors.

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