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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Interview with a commuter who doesn't speak much English.

So, yesterday I interviewed my grandma, Lehya Khazan a woman who is 78 and born in Russia. She barely speaks a lick of English and I was curious to find out the perspective of someone who isn't a native riding the subway, and the obstacles within that.

So, here goes:

Q: Hi grandma! Thank you for letting me interview you. I think my first question would have to be, as a non-native, would the MTA transit system be your favorite type of transportation?

A: No. I really don't like it because it is very hard to get around. I am too old to use it.

Q: If you're getting on the subway, where do you usually go? 

A: I usually only take the subway to Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center for concerts. I take bus everywhere else or I like to walk. Everything I need, I have near me.

Q: Do you think the language barrier gets in the way of you comfortably riding the subway?

A: Yes, but I don't think it would be my favorite way of transpiration.

Note to self: Old Soviet grandmas are very ambivalent to subway riding.

Please stand by for the closing doors 



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