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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Goodbye MetroCards. Swipe ya later!

Let's save the environment, and not have to use disposable plastic cards to get on the train. By 2019, the MTA plans to create a new system for commuters, and it is still under wraps. But, rumors say that this new system will either involve a credit/debit card or smartphones.

This new upcoming change is said to save infrastructure costs and also increase convenience for commuters. Metrocards as most of us know are very easy to lose, bend, or damage. Another idea for a Metrocard replacement is a possible app for all regional commuting, no matter where. But, unfortunately not everyone has a smart phone, so that introduces a problem in the seemingly flawless system.

Here's a quick sneak peek into our possible future!

Even though it looks super efficient, the problem arises, would the MTA be invading our privacy? Is it too much to access?

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