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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Do women feel uncomfortable on the train?

So recently, I noticed something on my way home on the C train. Women can't even have a peek of cleavage without the fear of some sleazy man eyeing up her tits. Like, man I'm just trying to get to my destination, and if you are going to call me names for wearing clothing that makes me feel good, then go shut the front door. I think the problem gets infinitely worse at night and more specifically SUMMER NIGHTS. That's right when the short tight dresses come out on Friday and Saturday evenings, and my fellow females are inebriated. Now I'm not one for doing that sort of thing, but I will be out late at night observing these ladies and the pervert men who should be doing something constructive with their time, instead of turning the train into a nightclub, (you're not picking anyone up, no offense guys!)

People are really getting desperate out here.

So, I decided to ask two women that I met on the 4 train who prefer to remain anonymous some questions about their comfort level on the train.

Q1: Have you ever felt like someone of the opposite gender is watching you in a really uncomfortable manner?
A1: (chuckles) When I was 17, I was taking the A train to 145th street to see my boyfriend at the time, Timothy, if I remember correctly it was 10 pm and I decided to wear a form fitting red dress to surprise him. I was expecting some glances of attention, but nothing like I experienced. There a was a man on the opposite side of the car all the way at the end, and I noticed he was eyeing me since I got on at W.4th street. It was the most bizarre thing! Every few stops, I would notice him moving a little bit closer and closer to where I was sitting. Finally, I saw him sitting right across from me at 125th street, and I saw a flashing light and I realized that he was taking pictures of me. I was terrified. 

Q2: Do you carry any precautionary tools like mace to protect yourself when you take the train at night?
A2: Unfortunately, I cannot say that I have. But being as old as I am, and seeing what young women wear nowadays, I would strongly recommend it.

Q3: Do you think the MTA is doing enough to keep the trains safe at night?
A3: Supposedly in comparison to the 80's, we're supposed to be safer which I think is horse crap, because the so called precautions we are taking are not more effective, such as the back halves of trains were prohibited until 8 PM. Although, I am in favor of the commissioner's new idea about putting video cameras in the train.
So, women be conscious and aware of all your surroundings at night in every area.

Please stand by for the closing doors

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