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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

This blog's purpose and such.

New York City is an overpriced and overrated dreamland that civilians settle into make a home. Folks who are aware of the multiple bills one needs to pay cannot afford to take expensive forms of transit (i.e, driving, taking cabs, and car services.) So even the upper class buckles down and grabs $2.50 and anticipates rush hour which includes a member from each economic class hurrying to work or to any other destination. My job is to share my insights on the wonderful and not so wonderful occurrences that happen on the train (i.e, fights, performances, mariachi bands, angry homeless people, delinquents making passengers feel bad about the boys' lack of basketball uniforms so they sell fruit snacks, youthful folk singing and raising money, and the occasional guy trying to raise money for charity.)  I have been living in New York City since I was 10 years old and I take the train pretty much every day. I will be interviewing passengers and getting their opinion on our super duper awesome and not to mention clean subway system. Maybe you’ll understand my humor, maybe not, but I hope you’ll bear with me, and anyway, if nothing else, I’m doing this to amuse myself. Also, I will be comparing subway lines, for instance the R train is the slowest train in the history of the MTA system, but that's a post for a different day. I hope you can relate to my experiences and take them with you when you use our beloved MTA subway system. Ciao For Now, Please Stand By For the Closing Doors.

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