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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of the G train

A few years ago, the G train started running to cater to folks living in growing neighborhoods in Brooklyn (i.e, Williamsburg and Greenpoint) and Queens. The MTA announced that this train would not go through Manhattan. But what they didn't announce is how ridiculously short the G train was, I mean I have definitely found myself running after the G train, because quite frankly it is only 4 cars long. Also, if one were to miss the G train, they are bound to wait for another 20 minutes. But, the worst problems come when the G train is under construction, it isn't even worth taking the train. Find another form of transport, seriously. Disappointed New Yorkers say, "Filthy stations, whacked out riders and a total lack of service." Thumbs down to you G train. Please stand by for the closing doors.

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