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Monday, June 9, 2014

Informative or not so informative.

Information about the MTA system always seems groggy and monotone. Usually, I write down my thoughts on my phone when I take the train about interesting things that occur on the train, and then I thought ''Hey wouldn't this be a great idea for a blog?'' So, that is what I did. What fascinates me is there is so much to see on the train. You can get on the 2 train with a really passive state of mind and during your ride to say Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, you can be astounded by a youthful quartet's cover of 'Stand By Me.' I'm never one to give money on the train, but sometimes I can't help but have my heart touched, and I know I'll regret, but hey they earned that money fair and square. I will be focusing on reviewing mostly on the 4,5,6, F and C trains.
Personally, I love the 4 5 6 line, it is fast and reliable at all hours of the night. Even, when I worked as a bartender on 8th street and 6th avenue and I would be let off at 2-4 A.M, rather than taking the F line from West 4th to Bryant Park (which was infinitely closer to my place of work,) I would still walk to the Union Square Station and take the 4 or 5 train to Grand Central (which runs locally after 12.) Another reason I favor the 4 5 6 line is because they are the only lines besides the 1 2 3 that show the next upcoming train.

I have taken the F train for years from Brooklyn to Bryant Park because a majority of my friends live in Park Slope. The F line is very diverse, because it ranges from stops in Coney Island to stops in Rockefeller center. Also fun fact, the F line just happens to have the highest subway stop above ground, that being Smith Ave- 9th street which is 88 feet above street level.

The last line that I plan to cover is probably my least favorite line ever (besides the never ending R line.) The C line landed another F rating in the New York Times. Their exact words were,"riders of the C train can forgive the typical subway detritus: the wrappers and cheese puffs and unfinished sandwiches." Harsh. Unfortunately, I completely agree with the Times' ranking of the C train. Honestly, I feel kind of bad for the conductor because I can only imagine how much he hates his job. Each and every time, I have to go see my therapist or other various reasons why I would get on these two putrid lines is because I absolutely have no other choice. I dread it. Seriously, don't take this train, unless you really really really have to and enjoy wasting your whole day waiting for the train. Also, I am not exclusively doing the aforementioned lines. If my journey takes me on the other fabulous subway lines, I'll be sure to blog about it. But, for now please stand by for the closing doors.

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