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Monday, June 9, 2014

Opinion: 3 Reasons Why New Yorkers don't smile on the train.

One thing that always amazes me is that every time I take the train, every single face looks so unhappy to be there, not once have I seen a smile. Blank stares all around, literally. Over the years I've come to realize each New Yorker wants to get to a destination, and most commonly there will be at least one person in your car dozing off. Most New Yorkers have routines and use various methods of distraction to prevent them from smiling (just kidding.) But, yeah in each subway car there is a very high chance of someone reading a book or newspaper or listening to their iPod/inferior mp3 player. You can very easily tell a native New Yorker from a confused tourist holding an upside down map. Other symptoms of bewildered tourists may include, loud chuckling, loud talking, and a lack of train etiquette. Native New Yorkers consider this behavior inconsiderate and pest-like, or at least I do. Another reason for our unwelcoming faces, along with the naive tourists is the keyword LOUD group of high school students. Now, these might be worse than the tourists because they are LOUDLY socializing, LOUDLY joking/laughing, and LOUDLY screaming the way they do during recess or in the cafeteria. It baffles the native New Yorker, and instinctively comes the stank face or a nicer expression called the 'blank stare.' Now the last reason is an even split, between New Yorkers who enjoy it and New Yorkers who do not, and that is train fights. Personally, I love a good subway fight. I think it is the funniest thing. For instance, last summer I took the F train downtown and saw a Hispanic working woman get into a cat fight with a heavyset man in drag because he called her a 'whore'. There were claws, I assure you. The faces of the New Yorkers around me were hysterical. There were some people trying not to snicker and others in legitimate fear. The man in drag began to cry because his nail started to bleed and the Hispanic woman was telling him how dare he set a hand on her. The man went into hysterics and mumbled cries, in which he said 'My father just died.' So, that's what I think about that. Boy, do I love New Yorkers. They are so easily disturbed by anything out of the ordinary. Please stand by for the closing doors. P.S: Oh yeah here's a few photos of the infamous 'blank stare' / lost tourists.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post and too true. I hardly take the subway anymore, but what you describe I remember from the 90s. I guess some things never change.
