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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Subway Etiquette from an Avid Subway Rider

If you want some tips on ideal subway etiquette from a veteran subway rider. New Yorkers have a specific ritual for their everyday subway traveling,  Here are some:

  1. If you are someone who hasn't figured out the Metrocard swiping speed, please be wary during rush hour and let others who need to get through, get through.
  2. Never stand too close to the platform, for a multitude of reasons. One of them being it is so nasty and filled with rodents, and another being it is pretty easy to fall onto the tracks to your impending doom. DO NOT BECOME A STATISTIC.
  3. If you see a fairly empty car during rush hour, use your noggin. There is probably a reason behind it. Unless you are immune to grimy odors or ambivalent to airborne diseases, then choose a different car, seriously. Homeless people roam subway stations and make it their shelters. 
  4. If there isn't an empty seat, it is OK to stand in front of the doors. Just be sure, to move out of the way and not block passengers trying to get on.
  5. Pay attention to your belongings. While, in most cases you won't get robbed or mugged, things like your wallet and valuables may be very easily picked.
  6. Also keep your music or game volume low, tired New Yorkers are coming back from work and other tiring ventures and do not care about your score in Candy Crush or your SADE track.
  7. Always offer your seat to a pregnant woman or an elderly individual. That is just self-explanatory.
  8. DO NOT STARE. Like, honestly don't. It's seriously creepy. This is a SUBWAY not a bar.
  9. For the love of God, please don't hold the subway doors, not only is the sound ridiculously annoying, but people are trying to get places.
  10. Do not eat or do makeup on the train. This is not your bathroom, nor is it your kitchen. IT IS A SUBWAY CAR, remember that.
So now you can ride the subway with knowledge and confidence.

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