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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

BUSKRS - what is it?

Okay, I am supremely sorry about all the websites I've been sharing with y'all, but this one's very similar to Underground Public Library, except its MUSIC. I mean, who hasn't seen a wonderful subway performance, unless of course taking the subway isn't your transportation preference or you are a tourist in the Big Apple. But back to the point, but what buskrs.com does is make surround sound recordings of the NYC subway's best performances. On the website's "About me," there is a definition of busker provided which is a "a person who entertains in a public place for donations."
This video in particular really struck me, because it was played at my best friend's subway stop (7th Avenue) that I am in more than my house, but it is AH-MAZING, watch for yourself!

The website's author, Brett Paine Murphy describes his hobby like so:

Some musicians are local, others have come from half way around the world or migrated from small towns across america. Most come here with hopes and dreams of making it big and for others this is the only thing that separates them from the panhandlers. They wear their hearts on their sleeve and pour their souls out to strangers.
Well done, Mr. Brett Paine Murphy, well done.

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